Ornamental garden poppy: propagation and flower care. Oriental poppy is a bright and beautiful accent in your garden. Everything about growing and caring for perennial flowers. Propagation of garden poppies.

Bright flowers in the garden area definitely attract attention. I just want to look at such plants. Therefore, growing attractive garden flowers is of great interest to gardeners. Well-known and remarkable plants of this type include poppy. In total, about seventy varieties of this plant are found in Russia - annuals, perennials and biennials. The topic of our conversation today will be the perennial oriental poppy, we will clarify how this plant is planted and what care it needs, and we will also discuss growing poppy from seeds.

The perennial poppy is considered by many gardeners to be the most attractive. Luxurious flowers of rich color appear on the stems of the plant, which can rise a meter high. Now on sale you can find plants with different colors of petals and their different textures. Reproduction of such a flower occurs with the help of seeds and green shoots, as well as by dividing the bush.

Growing oriental poppy from seeds

On the perennial oriental poppy, as on other varieties of this plant, after flowering a fruit is formed - a box with seeds. Sometimes such garden pets reproduce by self-sowing. In order to control this process, you need to wait until the boxes are completely dry, cut them off carefully and store them in a thick fabric bag. You can also sprinkle the seeds inside a glass container. Some gardeners cover ripening seed pods with gauze to prevent self-seeding and ensure full ripening.

Readers of Popular Health can sow perennial poppy seeds directly into open ground. Moreover, this procedure can be carried out both in spring and autumn (before winter). When grown from seeds, the plant can begin to bloom only in the second or third year of life.

Poppy seeds are extremely small in size, so they are not buried in the soil. You just need to thoroughly loosen the soil with a rake and then scatter planting material over its surface. To ensure uniform and not too crowded sowing, you can mix the seeds with sand. Afterwards, it would be a good idea to carefully water the planting site, but you should not fill it with water.

In the spring, after the poppy seeds sprout, you will need to thin them out - at intervals of first ten and then twenty centimeters. The only thing that a gardener needs to remember when growing small plants is that the soil around them should not dry out and become covered with weeds.

Planting oriental perennial poppy

It should be noted that the oriental poppy has a tap root, so it may simply not tolerate transplantation. Therefore, it is best to grow it from seeds immediately in a permanent place.

When choosing a place to plant oriental poppy, you need to consider several recommendations. In principle, this plant is not at all picky about the composition of the soil, but it prefers loose and sandy loam soils. Poppy has an extremely negative attitude towards areas where water stagnates, because excess dampness can lead to rotting of the roots.

It is best to grow oriental poppy in open and sunny areas - there it feels best. Slight shading of such a plant is also allowed.

Once every five to seven years, it would not be a bad idea to organize a poppy transplant to a new place of residence. This perennial grows greatly during this time, so during such a transplant it can be propagated by dividing the bush. Some gardeners have successfully separated a small piece of rhizome from the side and use it for rooting. This procedure is best carried out in May (before flowering) or in the summer - when the plant has finished blooming. But according to the rules, you need to remove the bush completely along with the earthen lump and divide it into several sections. They need to be planted at intervals of seventy to eighty centimeters. It is worth noting right away that such plants will need to be covered for the winter.

The place for planting poppies must be prepared in advance: dig thirty to forty centimeters deep, eliminating weeds. Before digging, you should add humus (from five to ten kilograms) to the soil, as well as a mineral mixture (thirty to fifty grams). The given volumes must be used for each square meter of land.

It must be remembered that in the place of the previous poppy growth, even the tiny roots of this plant must be very carefully eliminated, because they may well grow after some time.

Oriental poppy care

This plant is very unpretentious. In severe drought, it can be watered, but the poppy reacts very negatively to excessive moisture. Many gardeners don't water it at all and it grows well. Such a pet responds well to the application of organic and complex mineral fertilizers. It practically does not suffer from diseases and pests; ailments can develop in dampness, if not properly cared for.

It would be a good idea to periodically loosen the soil around the plant and remove weeds. Some gardeners have success mulching the soil around poppy plants to make them easier to care for.

Poppy bushes grow quite strongly over time. And flower stalks can grow one meter in height. Therefore, it would be a good idea to tie them to a support, otherwise they may bend or even lie on the ground. After flowering, the above-ground part of the plant dries out and needs to be cut off. Towards the end of summer, the perennial poppy will begin to turn green again.

Poppies grown in the garden will become bright accents of any flower bed or mixborder. There is a belief that poppies grow where battles took place, and their colors symbolize the drops of blood of the fighters. When growing garden poppies, choose dry, sunny areas, since these, widely distributed in nature in the Caucasus and semi-deserts of Central Asia, do not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Garden poppy and its seeds

Plants with large flowers of a wide variety of colors. The culture has species and varieties with a height of 20 to 120 cm with simple and double flowers. Simple flowers are more stable than double ones, but the latter bloom more luxuriantly and richly. The flowering period is short as the flower petals fall off quickly. To extend the flowering period, poppies are sown starting in May, every 10 days. This way you can have poppies blooming all summer long.

As you can see in the photo, the garden poppy bush has little or medium branching:

The leaves vary in shape from bottom to top from narrow to wide, with serrated, notched, often wavy edges. A single flower has four petals and two sepals, which fall off when the bud opens. The color of the flowers is purple. Before blooming, the buds are drooping, gray, cylindrical or oval. Before the flower opens, the peduncle straightens.

The root is a tap root, goes deep into the soil, the suction roots are located on the periphery, so they easily break off during transplantation, which is why the plant does not take root well in the new place.

Poppy is a light-loving, cold-resistant, unpretentious plant. Blooms in sunny, fertile, deeply cultivated soils. Poppy does not withstand close groundwater.

Garden poppy seeds are very small (3000 pieces in 1 g). Therefore, before planting poppy seeds, the seeds are mixed with fine sand (1:10).

When planting and caring for garden poppy, the seeds are sown in autumn or early spring in a permanent place, given that it does not tolerate transplantation.

Shoots appear after 8-10 days; they must be thinned out at a distance of 15-20 cm, otherwise the plants will not develop. Flowering occurs 60-70 days after sowing and lasts 1-1.5 months. Poppy seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.

When collecting seeds, it is necessary to take into account that they easily fall out through the holes of the seed pods.

What kind of poppy can be planted in the garden and how to care for it

Poppies are very good for groups on . They are used in the construction of ridges, as well as in flowering Moorish lawns. For bouquets, poppy flowers are cut in the state of half-opened buds early in the morning. They bloom in water and then remain for a long time.

What kind of maki can be grown in gardens in the middle zone? For flower beds in gardens and personal plots, preference is given to: soporific poppy, self-seeded poppy, blue poppy, “Shirley” and other annual species of this crop.

Self-seeding poppy “Silk moiré”. A variety of two-color colors of double and semi-double flowers. Delicate petals enliven the green expanse of the lawn and look beautiful in flower beds. Height 80 cm.

How to care for poppies so that the plants delight you with a riot of colors? Plant care is normal; cleaning up the bolls that have become stuck prolongs flowering. But if they remain on the plants, shoots from self-sowing will appear in the spring. The main thing is to thin them out in a timely manner.

Among the pests, curling and premature death of poppy leaves is caused by the legume aphid, which appears in June and causes damage until the end of the growing season.

Flower petals, stamens and pistils are eaten by bronze beetles. Miners make winding passages in the leaves. Thrips damage leaves, stems and flowers. They suck out the juice, as a result the stems wither and the flowers do not bloom. In hot summer weather, spider mites appear on the underside of leaves and suck the juices out of them. The leaves become whitish, and then turn yellow and wither.

Poppies are susceptible to powdery mildew and downy mildew.

The first appears in the form of an abundant white coating in dry weather, and the second forms characteristic spots on the stems and undersides of leaves, which are covered with a grayish-purple coating in wet weather. Sick plants are stunted in growth and have a depressed appearance.

Bright, vibrant poppy flowers with delicate silky petals are dear to the hearts of many gardeners. Among annual poppies, the most popular is the soporific poppy, or opium poppy (Papaver somniferum). This is a colorful plant with a height of 40 to 120 cm with bluish leaves and large (10-15 cm in diameter) flowers, single or double, with whole or cut petals. They are distinguished by a rich range of colors and can be white, pink, salmon pink, light orange, red, cherry, raspberry, lilac, dark purple - single-color or two-color.

Particularly effective peony-shaped form of poppy soporific, which is represented by large plants with large double flowers of various colors (for example, the White Cloud variety with white double flowers). And the Danish Flag variety has unusually bright red-yellow flowers with a spectacular fringe. Soporific poppy blooms in June-July. Modern ornamental varieties of this species do not contain narcotic substances.

Soporific poppy has a mild “character”. He loves well-lit and windproof areas. It is undemanding to soil, but thrives best in sufficiently nutritious, well-drained, moderately moist and non-acidic soils.

Growing sleeping pill poppy from seeds

1 g contains from 2500 to 5000 poppy seeds, which remain viable for 3-4 years. They are sown directly into the ground in a permanent place, since this plant does not tolerate transplantation. They are sown both before winter (in November) and in spring - from late March to May. The seeds are planted shallowly. When sowing in spring, germination occurs within a week, sometimes a little later. As soon as the seedlings grow a little, they are thinned out, leaving a distance of 15-25 cm between plants. Thinning should not be delayed, since in the future the plants will form untidy bushes. Flowering occurs after two months and lasts up to three weeks. To be able to admire blooming poppies throughout the summer, seeds should be sown at different times.

Poppy perennial varieties

Alpine poppy(P. alpinum) is a perennial plant, but does not live long, so it is often grown as a biennial. It is unusually elegant: above a rosette of pinnately dissected grayish-green leaves rises a thin but strong peduncle about 15 cm high, which bears a drooping bud. The bud opens and turns into a charming flower of white, yellow, yellow-orange, and less often red. The diameter of the flower is about 5 cm; alpine poppy blooms in May-June for at least two months.

Poppy abnormal, or rejected(Papaver anomalum) Album is a rare perennial, about 40 cm high, with snow-white flowers adorned with yellow stamens. Carved bluish pubescent leaves are collected in a dense basal rosette. When sown early, it blooms in the first year from mid-summer to autumn. On a well-developed bush, several dozen flowers with a diameter of 5-8 cm can bloom simultaneously! An absolutely winter-hardy plant.

poppy(P. rupifragum), which is also called the Spanish poppy (Spanish Poppy), is a perennial unknown to a wide range of gardeners, 30-60 cm high. It has a dense, silver-tinged rosette of pretty basal leaves and satiny, semi-double orange-colored flowers. The Tangerine Parfait variety has semi-double flowers. This is one of the few poppies that blooms continuously from June until the end of summer, provided that faded flowers are regularly removed. In June the flowering is unusually abundant.

Oriental poppy or Turkish poppy(P. orientale) is a large perennial poppy, 60-120 cm high. It has beautiful pinnately dissected leaves up to 30 cm long and rather hard, hairy stems. The flower bowls reach 10-20 cm in diameter - bright, usually with a black base of the petals. Inside the flower there are many attractive black and blue stamens around the capitate pistil. The color of the petals can be orange, red, dark red, white, pink, lilac-pink. The popular variety Diamond has fiery red flowers, the Carneum variety has salmon pink flowers, the Princess Victoria Louise variety has salmon-red petals, and the Nimble Dwarf with scarlet-red flowers does not exceed 30-40 cm. There are garden forms with semi-double and double flowers. Oriental poppy blooms in May-June for 12-15 days.

Caring for poppies

Perennial poppies are not only very decorative, but also quite undemanding. They grow and bloom best in warm, well-lit areas, although they tolerate light partial shade. They prefer loose, fertile, moderately moist and always well-drained soils, neutral or alkaline. They are also characterized by sufficient drought resistance and good frost resistance. Only the poppy should be covered with spruce branches for the winter.

Growing perennial poppy from seeds

1 g contains 6,500 alpine poppy seeds, 9,600 anomalous poppy seeds, 13,000 rock poppy seeds and from 3,000 to 5,000 oriental poppy seeds. Seeds of perennial poppies are best sown immediately in a permanent place before winter or early spring (March-April). Sow scatteredly, not densely, lightly embed into the soil with the back of a rake and cover the top with a non-woven covering material secured to pegs or in some other way. Some gardeners sow in rows in the spring, sow quite rarely, sprinkle a thin layer of sifted peat on top and water daily in the morning and evening for about two weeks (until shoots appear). Grown seedlings are thinned out at a distance of 10-20 cm - alpine, anomalous and rock poppies and 30 cm oriental poppy. Oriental poppy seeds are also sown in spring or mid-summer in cold greenhouses.

If there are few seeds, they are sown in November-December in wide pots, which are left in the garden until spring, and then brought into a room at room temperature for germination. You can sow perennial poppies in pots in the spring - in March-April. They are sown rarely, and the seeds of poppies, especially rejected and rock poppy seeds, are not sprinkled with soil on top, but eastern and alpine poppies, if desired, are sprinkled with a layer of no more than 1-2 mm. Seedlings dive straight to a permanent place, since adult plants do not tolerate transplantation well.

Grown seedlings of anomalous, rock and alpine poppies, which are especially sensitive to transplantation, can be cut out of a bowl with a knife along with a square of soil and carefully, preserving the lump of soil as much as possible, transplanted into a flower garden. To achieve the most decorative effect, plant young plants in large groups - during mass flowering they will give you an unforgettable experience. Alpine and oriental poppies consistently self-sow.

The perennial poppy is a beautifully flowering plant that has exquisite flowers. Despite the short flowering period, the plant is still popular with some gardeners. But not everyone decides to grow a flower on their plots for reasons known to all of us.

Types of decorative perennial poppy

  • Oriental blooms for a month, but individual flowers bloom for about three days. Inflorescences of rich red, pink, orange color with a diameter of 15-20 cm.
  • Dissected petal It is distinguished by beautiful double flowers.
  • bract reaches a height of up to 70 cm. It is distinguished by large red flowers. Blooms for about 1 month.
  • Holostalked characterized by long-lasting flowering. The flowers come in yellow, red, and orange colors.

Care and cultivation of perennial poppy

Poppy is grown in sunny or slightly shaded areas. To grow a flower, you should choose areas protected from the wind. The flower grows on almost any soil. To improve soils, add humus. Decorative perennial poppy requires moderate watering, which is increased during dry periods. Overmoistening of the soil has a detrimental effect on the plant. Perennial poppies are responsive to fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers. From time to time the soil under the flower needs to be loosened. After flowering, the bushes are pruned to the very roots. Perennial poppy is frost-resistant, so the plant does not require shelter for the winter.

To preserve varietal characteristics, perennial poppies should not be planted in a mixed group. Plants can cross-pollinate and change their color. In order to prolong the flowering period, the seed pods are removed in a timely manner. Of course, if there is no goal of collecting seeds for subsequent sowing.

Remember that not all species are allowed for cultivation.


Perennial poppy is propagated by dividing the bush, cuttings, and seeds. Some species reproduce well by self-sowing. Seeds of perennial poppy are sown in July or August immediately in a permanent place, since the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. It is possible to grow through seedlings. The flowers will bloom next year.

Dividing the bush is carried out in the summer, after flowering, when the plant is at rest.

When cuttings, weak side shoots are taken, which are kept in a special disinfectant solution for 24 hours, and only then planted in the substrate. The cuttings are rooted in containers with loose and moist soil under a film. Cuttings are planted in open ground around mid-August.

Poppy (Papaver L.) is one, two and perennial herbs from the poppy family (Papaveraceae Juss.). In the official taxonomy it has synonyms assigned at different times during subsequent revisions of botanical taxa - Roemeria Medik. (1792), Stylomecon G.Taylor (1930). A characteristic symptom is the secretion of milky juice, which is called opium. Translated from Greek it means “poppy juice”. It has the property of inducing sleep and hallucinations. Hence the name of the type species “Sleeping poppy” (Papaver somniferum L.). In total, the family unites about 45 genera and up to 700 species, including about 100 poppies.

Origin and distribution area

The mountainous regions of the Alps and Pyrenees are considered the birthplace of poppies. Representatives of poppy plants are most common in the temperate and subtropical regions of the Old and New Worlds; they are found in different regions of Africa, Australia and certain places in the Arctic. Poppy plants prefer dry hillocks and rocky slopes with light, well-drained soils. In regions with a flat landscape, vast areas of steppes, semi-deserts and deserts are occupied.

The most common types of poppy in Russia and neighboring countries (Caucasus, Central Asia) are poppy (Papaver rhoeas L.), oriental poppy (Papaver orientale L.) and poppy (Papaver nudicaule L.). The first is found everywhere as a weed, including in fields of cereal crops, and the second in the forest and subalpine belt of Transcaucasia. The hollow-stemmed poppy has inhabited the steppes of Altai, Eastern Siberia and Central Asia. In these regions, another type of decorative poppy is found everywhere - saffron (Papaver, croceum Ledeb.) with exceptionally beautiful colors of the corolla petals. Opium poppy is cultivated as a crop in China, India, Asia Minor and Central Asia, and Afghanistan. Since 2004, the cultivation of opium poppy and other species containing narcotic substances has been prohibited in Russia.

Botanical description of the genus

All parts of the plant are characterized by the secretion of milky sap with toxic properties. The poppy plants themselves are one, two, and perennial. The root system is taprooted, spindle-shaped, and few-branched. The root color is white.

They grow in the form of bushes with erect, rounded stems 20-120 cm high. The stems are herbaceous, strong, bare or covered with hairy-bristly pubescence, like other organs of the crop. The leaves are simple, entire, pinnate or pinnately dissected. The arrangement is alternate or opposite.

The flowers are solitary, large, 5-25 cm in diameter, on tall peduncles. 2 green sepals tightly cover the bud and fall off when the corolla petals open. The corolla of the flower consists of 4-8 wide petals, with a range of colors - white, yellow, bright red, yellow-saffron. The flower is elegant and fragile in appearance, characterized by the rapid shedding of its petals, which only emphasizes its fragility. The poppy blooms at the end of May-June and flowering lasts 1-2 months for some varieties. The fruit is an original convex capsule, shaped like a glass-like jug covered with a disk. When the seeds ripen, the latter fall off under the influence of the wind through the notches between the disk and the capsule.

Blue poppy

Decorative features of garden poppies

All poppies deservedly belong to the group of beautifully flowering plants. Since ancient times, legends have been made about its extraordinary properties. It was its seeds that were added to the wine of “mercy” during the execution of death sentences, to drinks that led to the world of heavenly houris, to solutions that relieved hellish pains that drove people crazy. And grandma’s delicious buns are also the seeds of the most beautiful plant on earth, the poppy.

Decorative forms include the oriental poppy (Papaver orientale) or Turkish, whose fiery red flowers adorn rock gardens, stone gardens, and artificial rocky slopes. It grows as a large bush, with a habit of up to 1 m. A perennial with stiff, pinnately dissected leaves. Doesn't like transfers. Forms simple, semi-double and double flowers of different red-pink colors. A distinctive feature is the presence of black stamens and a black spot at the base of the petals of a simple corolla. Blooms in June. Dry boxes are elegant and can be used in winter bouquets of dried flowers.

Blooming poppy, double flower

Among the endemics of the North Caucasus, the poppy bractea (Papaver bracteaura) stands out for its beauty, its corolla diameter is 20-25 cm. Perennial, up to 120 cm in height. The stems are thick and strong. The leaf blade up to 45 cm is divided into separate oblong-lanceolate segments. The leaves cover the entire stem, leaving a short stalk. At the base of the flower there are 2-7 sepal-shaped bracts, oval-entire and dissected with a rigid border along the edge. There are 3-4 sepals, 4-6 petals in the corolla. Blooms in May-June.

The annual poppy (Papaver shoeas, Papaver umbrosum) is widely used in ornamental gardening. Forms root cuttings. It is characterized by a highly branched, spreading form of 30-60 cm bushes. The pubescence is coarsely hairy. The flowers are simple, medium-large, up to 5-7 cm in diameter - white, pink, red with a dark spot at the base. Blooms from April-May until autumn.

Photo gallery of species

Growing and care

The graceful beauty of poppies became an indispensable attribute of garden decor in ancient Egypt, Babylon, Rome, and Greece. Poppies decorated the magical gardens of Babylon. And today, many species from the poppy family are grown in summer cottages and home gardens, in city parks and recreation areas.

Landing location

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to grow poppy in the garden. Remember that only decorative poppies are allowed to be grown and cared for. This is a light-loving crop, so poppy is grown in sunny or slightly shaded areas. He loves the sun, but cannot stand the wind, gusts of which easily tear off the delicate petals of single large flowers.

The soil

Poppy grows and develops well on all types of soils: sandy loam, loamy and even clay of neutral reaction, better drained, breathable. In the fall, humus is added to the designated area at the rate of 1-2 buckets/sq. m, add 20-30 g/sq. m of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and a glass of wood ash. Dig into a shovel full, break up the clods well and level with a rake.

Ripening poppy seed pod


When forming a fairly powerful bush (especially perennials), poppies need feeding. You can feed with a solution of organic fertilizers (chicken droppings, cow manure). In the spring, you can add 30 g/10 l of nitroammophoska water to the first fertilizing; before flowering, an organic solution (1 l of mother solution/10 l of water) or 30 g/10 l of water of phosphorus-potassium fertilizer. The third, better mineral fertilizing is also combined with watering. After fertilizing and watering, the soil must be mulched or loosened for 2-3 days so that a crust does not form. With timely feeding, a lush bush with large bright flowers is formed. To extend the flowering period, poppy pods are removed while they are still green. Usually a few boxes are left for collecting seeds.

Blooming poppies


Poppies need watering, but not by sprinkling, but at the root. Large drops from a sprinkler damage poppy petals. Watering is carried out at a moderate rate every 7-10 days. Poppy does not tolerate stagnation of water, the roots rot.

Pruning and wintering

At the end of flowering and at the end of the growing season, poppies lose their decorative effect. Therefore, after flowering, the above-ground mass is cut off shortly, literally at the root. After cutting, leaves begin to re-grow from mid-August. In winter, plants leave with green foliage. In spring, the regrowth of the above-ground mass begins. In the southern regions, during warm autumns, re-blooming of some varieties of poppies is observed. Poppies are frost-resistant and do not require winter shelter.


Poppies reproduce by seed and vegetative methods (dividing the bush and cuttings).

It’s easy to buy oriental poppy seeds

Propagation by seeds

Poppy seeds remain viable for several years. They need to be stored in a dry place without access to moisture and light. When growing poppies from seeds, they are sown immediately in April, July or August permanently, because the taproot of the plants does not tolerate transplantation well. If plants need to be replanted, then no later than the phase of 2-4 true leaves. Poppy seeds are sown superficially on prepared soil that is well moistened. Sowing is sprinkled with a thin layer of peat. Shoots appear in 10-12 days.

Before the emergence of seedlings, the crops are watered 2 times a day with fine sprinkling so as not to erode the soil. Thin out the seedlings, leaving 10-20 cm between plants. When sowing in early spring, the seedlings are thinned out more thoroughly, leaving a distance between plants of 60-80 cm. Flowering during seed propagation occurs in the second year. Maternal characteristics are practically not transmitted, cross-pollination is possible.

poppy flowers

Reproduction by root suckers

Some types of perennial poppies produce root shoots that are carefully separated from the mother plant. Transplantation of young shoots is carried out in August, at the end of flowering or early spring, leaving a distance of 40-60 cm between plants. When planting, humus or mature compost is added to each hole, watered and the young plant is planted. When planting, you need to make sure that the root is not damaged and its tip does not bend.

Reproduction by cuttings

Propagation of poppies by cuttings is used when it is necessary to preserve the distinctive characteristics of the mother plant. Cuttings are prepared from young side shoots that grow on the bushes towards the end of flowering. After cutting, a cutting 2-3 internodes long is dipped for a day in a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate, and then planted in a mixture of peat or humus with sand, moistened with a solution of root or heteroauxin. Containers with cuttings are covered with film to create greenhouse conditions. Gently ventilate every day so that drops of accumulating moisture do not fall on the cuttings. Rooted cuttings are planted permanently in open ground around mid-August.

Alpine poppy in the rock garden

Diseases and pests

Among fungal diseases, poppies are affected by downy mildew, gray and white rot, black boll and other diseases. The most common bacterial diseases are leaf and seed pod spotting, stem bacteriosis, and bacterial wilt. If the types of diseases listed above were noted on poppy plantings, it is necessary to remove and burn the diseased plants, and treat the plants with biological products, according to the recommendations.

To protect against fungal and other rots, it is better to use biological products that are harmless to humans and animals on flowering plants, such as trichodermin, phytosporin, bactofit, ftolavin-300, planriz, alirin-B. Methods and timing of application are indicated on the packaging or accompanying recommendations.

Of the pests, poppy is damaged by green aphids, poppy gall midges, alfalfa cutworm caterpillars, poppy secretive proboscis and others. To control pests, it is also better to use biological products: bitoxybacillin-P, verticillin, Bona Forte and others. Bioinsecticides can be used in tank mixtures, which will reduce the number of applications to plants.

Use in landscape design

Bright poppies that bring warmth and joy look great in wild, uncut and trimmed lawns. Large flowers of unreal beauty create original islands of mixed colors of monoflowers, mixborders, rock gardens, long ridges - red, pink, yellow, white, saffron and other colors. Towards the end of flowering, the decorative value of poppies decreases, so they are good to combine with hosta, brunnera, yarrow, oregano, and field grasses (bentgrass, ryegrass and others).
