Description and characteristics of dracaena: photo of what an indoor “palm tree” looks like and its varieties. Homeland of the dracaena houseplant Dracaena marginata Dracaena marginata

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False palm: the homeland of dracaena and rules for caring for it

Today, there are more than 40 species of dracaenas in the wild. Some of them are used as indoor plants. The homeland of dracaena is the tropics, hot and humid regions of Asia, Africa and the Canary Islands. Depending on the place of growth and type, false palms, as the plant is also called, can have different sizes. There are also tiny specimens up to 1 m high and giant trees higher than 20 m.

Dracaena (dragon tree) is a tropical plant that actively grows in hot, humid climates.

Types of dracaenas for growing indoors

The false palm tree is very unpretentious: it tolerates shade, heat, and low temperatures equally well. This is largely due to the characteristics of growing in the tropics, in the shade of taller and more massive plants.

Descriptions of the most unpretentious dracaenas, which can be successfully used for breeding in apartment conditions, include only 4 species:

  • edged dracaena;
  • Godsef's dracaena;
  • dracaena dragon;
  • fragrant dracaena.

There are different types of dracaena.

The most typical representative is Dracaena marginata, or marginata. This is a tree-like plant, which, under favorable growing conditions, can reach a height of 3 m. The top of the trunk is crowned with a bunch of long narrow leaves. As they grow, the lower leaves fall off, leaving characteristic patterns on the trunk.

Dracaena Godsefa, or surculosa, is considered the “black sheep” of the Agave family. It, like other species, is a false palm, but differs in the color of the leaves and the growth pattern of the stems. The plant is shoot-forming, therefore it is valued as an indoor flower. Cream-colored foliage and stems growing directly from the soil and intertwining with each other can decorate any interior.

Does Dracaena Godseph bloom? It is not cultivated artificially, but in the wild, surculose forms flower stalks with small, pleasantly smelling yellow flowers. After flowering, small bright red berries appear on the bush.

Dracaena fragrant has leaf shades from yellow to light green.

Dracaena dragon is distinguished by bright red resinous secretions that appear on the trunk. An ancient Indian legend is associated with this plant, which says that many centuries ago on the island of Socotra there lived a terrible dragon who drank the blood of elephants. And then one day the largest elephant fell on the dragon and crushed it with its body. Their blood spilled on the ground, and after a while trees with red spots on their trunks grew in this place. Dracaena dragon is successfully used as an indoor flower. Moreover, its size is much smaller than in the wild.

Dracaena fragrant, or fragrans, grows up to 2 m in height. It is valued for the bright color of its foliage, including combinations of green, light green and yellow. With proper care, the false palm tree can bloom. A peduncle up to 1 m long grows from the trunk, covered with clusters of fluffy inflorescences. Fragrance flowers are small, white or light green. They have a very pleasant light aroma.

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Dracaena - lucky tree

Several other legends are associated with the false palm tree. According to one of them, a warrior of an ancient tribe fell in love with the daughter of the chief priest. The father was against such a connection, he stuck a dry stick into the ground and set a condition for the young man: if after 5 days leaves appear on the stick, then he will not interfere with the marriage. If the stick does not come to life, the young man will be executed. To avoid death, the young warrior watered the stick for 5 days in a row. Soon roots appeared on the stick and dracaena grew.

The tree of happiness, as dracaena has been called since then, still helps lovers today. According to legend, on the full moon it is necessary to cut and plant a shoot from the fragrant dracaena. If the plant grows, the person will have good luck in love, and the speed of foliage growth will indicate the strength of the feelings of the lover or beloved.

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Growing dracaena at home is not difficult. She adapts well to her environment and feels comfortable. But in order to enjoy all the beauty and splendor of the false palm tree, certain conditions must be met:

Dracaena leaves love spraying and moist air.

  1. Plants love diffused light. This is especially true for species with brightly colored leaves: surculosa, fragrans, etc. Being in the dark, dracaenas lose the brightness of their color. False palms with a single color are not demanding of light. However, all species cannot tolerate direct sunlight. Dracaena decorating an open window or summer veranda must be shaded.
  2. Like other indoor plants, dracaena has a dormant period. It usually lasts from mid-autumn to mid-winter. At this time, the false palm tree should be kept at a temperature no higher than 18°C. Watering is reduced to a minimum. Foliage defects will be a signal of insufficiently favorable conditions. So, dried ends of the leaves will indicate a lack of moisture, but if the foliage turns brown, the air in the room should be humidified.
  3. Dracaena is a tropical plant that prefers moderate to high humidity. To compensate for the shortcomings of the heating season, the false palm tree can be sprayed with soft, settled water from a spray bottle at least once a week. In addition, dracaena leaves should be regularly wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

When growing a false palm tree in an apartment, special attention must be paid to watering. The soil in the plant pot should be moist, but severe waterlogging can lead to disease. The earthen clod should not be allowed to dry out completely. When overdried, dracaena can become easy prey for spider mites. As a rule, water generously during the warm summer months. In summer it is recommended to use rainwater, and in winter - melt water.

Botanical name: Dracaena.

Dracaena domestica - family. Dracaenaceae.

Homeland of the plant. Tropics of East Africa.

Description. Known for their beautiful foliage, Dracaenas are often variegated perennials that are mostly shrubs with unbranched stems. Leaves spear-shaped, slightly curved. Sometimes dracaena blooms at home and its flowers They have a fairly strong, pleasant aroma. Some gardeners use the fruits and the seeds they contain to propagate plants.

Height. From 60 cm to 3 m, depending on the species, grow slowly.

1.Dracaena care at home


Most often, vegetative propagation is carried out or cuttings. Dracaena is propagated by stem or apical cuttings 7 - 15 cm long in spring or late summer. It is advisable to first dry the cut area in the open air for several hours. Root the cuttings in a mixture of peat and wet sand and cover with a plastic cap or glass. The cuttings should be immersed in the ground to approximately 1/3 of the height. Rooting occurs within 4 - 8 weeks at a temperature of 20 to 22 ° C, during this time keep the pots in partial shade and stop watering. Cuttings root more successfully using growth hormones.

From time to time, the cover is removed, condensation is removed from it, and the leaf blades are sprayed with a fine sprayer. The plant can be rooted even in a simple glass of water, however, after transplanting into the ground, such specimens will delay their development and the beginning of growth, since their root system requires a certain period of time in order to adapt to their new living conditions. Add a couple of tablets of activated carbon to the water for rooting and change it approximately every 4 to 5 days.

If the dracaena has tall, thick stems that are very bare at the base, then such trunks are cut into cuttings 10 - 15 cm long and placed horizontally in the substrate, covered with a layer of soil 1 - 2 cm thick or simply pressed into the surface of the earth. After some time (after about 2 months), new shoots will appear from the ground, which will be located in each leaf node.

Rooting stem cuttings can be carried out directly on the plant by making a small cut on the stem with a knife and wrapping it in well-moistened sphagnum moss. The top of the moss is tightly covered with transparent plastic film to maintain a high level of humidity. After a few weeks, you can notice the appearance of roots under the film.

Do not worry if there are no leaves left on the plant after pruning - the bush is able to send out new shoots from dormant buds located near the trunk. The resulting cuttings can be used for propagation. Pruning This is done only with sharply sharpened and sterile instruments, and the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed charcoal powder for drying and disinfection. You can also treat the wound surface immediately after pruning with garden varnish or pour molten paraffin. Wipe off dust from hard leaves with a damp sponge - this will also help get rid of possible pests.

Old and damaged leaves can be trimmed to maintain the plant's attractive appearance. Young shoots of some species need to be pinched to form a thick and lush crown. Dracaena will be grateful for being kept in the fresh air during the warm season. Place the plant in shade from direct sun, in a place protected from strong gusts of wind and rain. Take the bush into the house when night temperatures drop below 16° C. In the winter months, place the flower near heating systems and in the summer - under the air conditioner.


Grows well in hydroponics.

2.Types of dracaena:

2.1.Dracaena marginata or bordered - Dracaena marginata

One of the narrow-leaved varieties, there are many variations within the subspecies, differing from each other in color, shape and size of leaves, flowers and shoots. The leaves are quite thin compared to other species, have a dark red outer edge with a green center, green in the center with red and yellowish stripes, wide red edges, and are collected at the top of the trunk, which becomes woody with age. Its appearance resembles a palm tree. It grows slowly and only looks more attractive with age. D. fringed is widely used in landscaping homes and offices, as it tolerates low light. It reaches a height of 3 m, but flower shops often sell young dwarf plants, as well as braided dracaenas.

2.2. Fragrant dracaena or fragrans - Dracaena Fragrans

A powerful, thick-stemmed and broad-leaved large plant with one or several stems on which are located fairly wide glossy leaves - green, green on the outer edge and yellow in the center, or yellow and green with striped edges. In appearance, the plants resemble a palm tree. During the flowering period, this species forms loose, branched panicles with very fragrant white flowers. Unfortunately, in indoor culture the flowering process occurs very rarely. D. fragrant is able to purify indoor air from harmful substances. Capable of growing up to 2 m tall, but develops slowly.

The variegated variety Colorama is very popular, characterized by the presence of longitudinal red stripes on the leaves.

Here we can distinguish such a variety as Dracaena Compacta- a low plant with a thick trunk and dark green, oblong-lanceolate, glossy leaves up to 15 cm long, abundantly covering the plant. As some plants age, the lower part of the trunk becomes bare and bears only scars from old leaves, which only gives them additional attractiveness.

The dracaena variety is gaining popularity" Lemon - lime" - a tricolor species with oblong, pointed leaves. The edges of the leaf blades of these plants have an attractive light green tint, followed by white narrow stripes, and the center of the leaf blade is painted in a dark green tint.

2.3.Dracaena Warneckii - Dracaena fragrans Warneckii

A subspecies of fragrant dracaena is an evergreen shrub up to 120 cm high with long and hard sword-shaped leaves. The leaf blades are dark green, with longitudinal white, gray or light green stripes on the surface.

2.4.Dracaena deremensis

A slow growing shrub, usually multi-stemmed at the base. Stems can reach 30 cm in diameter in mature plants. Young plants have one unbranched stem with a rosette of leaves. The leaves are glossy, green, lanceolate, up to 150 cm long. The flowers are collected in inflorescences - panicles up to 150 cm long, individual flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm, white.

2.5. Dracaena Sanderiana or Dracaena of happiness - Dracaena sanderiana, lucky bamboo

As a houseplant, bamboo-shaped spiral Dracaena Sandera reaches 60 - 80 cm in height. There are different varieties of this plant, the most interesting are the varieties with twisted trunks. It has light green shoots with thin and long curved leaves. There are variegated varieties with longitudinal white or yellowish stripes on the leaves. During flowering, green spikelets appear on the plant, which over time acquire a golden color. Faded plants die.

2.6.Dracaena godseffiana or shoot-forming - Dracaena godseffiana

A slow-growing evergreen large-leaved plant with slender, erect stems that reaches only about 60 cm in height. The leaves are elliptical with a pointed tip, 8 cm long and 4 cm wide, dark green with white and cream spots. New leaves are tightly rolled into a tube. Inflorescences are 7 - 8 cm long with small white fragrant flowers.

2.7. Dracaena reflexa

Perennial evergreens with erect, slightly twisting stems. Tough, narrow, pointed, glossy, dark green leaves cover the stems in a spiral pattern. Variegated species have longitudinal white or yellow stripes on the leaf blades. With age, the plant exposes the lower part of the stems, covered with light brown bark.

2.8. Dracaena massangeana

An attractive decorative foliage plant with a powerful trunk, at the top of which there is a lush crown of oblong, wide, drooping leaves. The leaf blades are dark green and have a lighter green or yellow stripe in the center. The plant reaches a height of 1.5 m, the trunk in diameter can grow up to 40 cm, and develops slowly. Unlike most species, this variety can be grown in partial shade. The plant's appearance resembles a palm tree.

2.9.Dracaena surculosa

A slow-growing evergreen, branched plant with thin, erect or lodging stems about 60 cm high. The leaves are large, broadly lanceolate, dark green, arranged oppositely or collected in whorls. This subspecies is distinguished by the greatest variety in the color scheme of the leaves - it can have all kinds of shapes and sizes of marks, specks and stripes of contrasting shades. The flowers are white, collected in small inflorescences, and have a pleasant aroma that intensifies at night.

2.10. Hooker -Dracaena hookeriana

Powerful evergreen tree-like dracaena up to 180 cm high. The leaves are large, sword-shaped, glossy, green with a thin white border along the edge and longitudinal venation. The flowers are inconspicuous, greenish-white.

2.11.Dracaena canarian or dragon tree - Dracaena draco

An evergreen multi-stemmed tree with a thick, powerful trunk and a lush crown formed by large dark green leaves up to 60 cm long. When grown indoors, it can reach a height of 90 - 120 cm. The leaf blades are hard, entire, often covered with a bluish waxy coating. During the flowering period, the plant produces an inflorescence - a spike with white fragrant flowers.

Dracaena grows well in apartments, institutions and offices. In appearance, the plant resembles a palm tree: it has a long thin trunk with dark brown bark and a lush cap of thin, soft green leaves that hang beautifully from the top down.

My dracaena also looked great, but for a while. One day I decided that she was so unpretentious that she could be sent to the far corner of the room: after all, she would decorate it like that!

Unfortunately, this idea didn't turn out to be a very good one. It turned out that dracaena cannot live without light at all. The places where this tree grows in nature are distinguished by an abundance of light. It's the hot, dry tropics!

It is better for dracaena to grow on a windowsill, but it will suffer on the north side. Therefore, the best choice is southern, western and eastern windows.

Let's take a closer look at the natural growth conditions of dracaena, this will help us better understand the nature of the plant and care for it so that it grows better and better every day.

The homeland of the dracaena plant is India, the Canary Islands, and African countries. All southern regions, where it is hot and sunny, can boast amazing plants with a beautiful top, consisting of long narrow leaves of salad color, with a multi-colored border.

In the Congo, Zaire and Cameroon, alleys and entire thickets of magnificent dracaenas grow. In these hot regions, of course, dracaenas have a completely different size: they are tall, striking in their shape and grandeur. There are dracaenas that reach a height of 20 m.

In a favorable climate, this plant can be not only tall, but also powerful: up to two meters in diameter. This is surprising for us, because we usually appreciate home dracaena for its miniature size.

Dracaena looks surprisingly stylish: it has an elegant trunk and an exotic shape of dry leaves. They really don't look like the succulent leaves of succulents. And this is quite understandable: the plant needs to conserve moisture; there is not much of it in those places where dracaena grows in natural conditions. This is how the tree adapts to existing conditions.

Where entire thickets of wild dracaenas grow, the air is dry and hot, droughts often occur, and the light levels are extremely high. It is these conditions that you should focus on when you are thinking about where to place your indoor dracaena and how to care for it.

Having learned about the country of origin, we understand what conditions need to be created for dracaena:

  • Constant warmth (no sudden temperature fluctuations)
  • No drafts
  • Moderate watering
  • High illumination
  • Special soil
  • Reducing watering in winter

What kind of plant is this

The most surprising thing is that dracaena is not a palm tree at all. It differs from palm trees in its basic properties. Therefore, from the point of view of the strict science of botany, the tree should be attributed to some other family. But which one? This turned out to be a serious problem.

Researchers assumed that agaves were located closest to dracaena, and therefore classified the plant as an agave. Then they decided to identify a separate family - the Dracaenaceae.

More recently, in 2011, scientists agreed that dracaena should be classified as an asparagus. She is so amazing, dracaena!

Another amazing feature of it, which cannot but rejoice, is its rare ability to fit into any interior. In this sense, dracaena is universal.

Imagine, for example, a geranium or an orchid. These plants can only fit into an interior designed in a certain style. In an apartment decorated in a minimalist style, for example, an orchid will not look good.

But dracaena is a completely different matter! Its beauty can complement any interior. Perhaps the fact is that dracaena resembles a palm tree, with which, in turn, the most pleasant things are associated in our minds: the sea, the sun, vacation, southern countries!

Secrets of the name

There is another mystery associated with the origin of the plant’s name. It is not entirely clear where this word itself - dracaena - came from.

Researchers suggest that dracaena means a female dragon. Where did the plant get such a harsh name? In ancient times, it was even believed that dracaenas grew where the blood of a dragon was once shed.

In fact, dracaena juice is red. If you damage the trunk, you can see dark red gum flowing to the surface. Here is the answer to the unusual name!

Gum is a resinous substance intended by nature itself to treat damaged parts of the plant.

Plant properties

It is believed that dracaena is a complex plant. It brings good luck to its owners. It is no coincidence that one of the names of dracaena is “lucky bamboo”.

Another sign: dracaena brings with it serenity and love. In addition, this tree helps its owners get rid of negative thoughts and gives health. But how can I check this? Such stories always raise doubts among skeptics. But not all reports about the benefits of dracaena can be questioned! There are also those that are scientifically proven.

Scientists have found that dracaena can purify the air in a room: it actually seems to “filter” the air, drawing in toxins and dust.

In appearance, the tree looks very exotic and may raise speculation that the plant may be poisonous. But this is absolutely not true! It does not contain any toxic substances, despite the fact that it somehow “recycles” them from the airspace.

The most popular types of home dracaena:

  • Sandera
  • Deremskaya
  • Marginata
  • Fragrant

Everyone knows and loves such a houseplant as dracaena. Flower growers like Dracaena for good reason. The beautiful dracaena came to our windows from the tropics and subtropics of Africa and Asia; it grows in Madagascar and the Canary Islands. In appearance, it is spectacular and picturesque, outwardly reminiscent of a small palm tree: a slender, lignified trunk and a lush mop of narrow long leaves at the top. It is beautiful and effective in any interior.

I enjoy growing plants. All the flowers that I planted before, using young shoots, took root well. When I found out that there are plants that propagate by apical cuttings, and that we don’t have such a plant in the classroom or at school, then I decided to try to grow this unusual plant. The plant I chose is dracaena. It is also called the tree of happiness, false palm, lucky bamboo, dragon tree.

I purchased this little miracle this summer on the Black Sea in the city of Anapa. I immediately became interested and decided to grow this plant in my home and school. I saw palm trees only in paintings and photographs, so I thought - to study this plant, learn from the experiments done to propagate plants by apical cuttings and grow a real palm tree.

Vegetative propagation

Vegetative propagation is based on the body’s desire to restore lost parts. Vegetative propagation can be natural or artificial. Natural vegetative propagation occurs with the help of specialized vegetative organs: root or stem tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, corms, tendrils.

Artificial vegetative propagation is carried out by both specialized and non-specialized vegetative organs, in which missing organs may appear before the separation of any part from the mother plant (division of bushes, root shoots, layering), or artificially cause their formation (roots, shoots) after separation ( cuttings). One of the methods of propagation of ornamental plants is the vegetative method.

Knowledge of techniques for vegetative propagation of ornamental plants allows you to successfully propagate plants, especially rare exotic species, at home.

The vegetative method of propagation in some cases helps to grow those ornamental plants. which do not reproduce or reproduce poorly by seeds.

Several methods of vegetative propagation are known.

Propagation by bulbs;

Dividing the bush;

Propagation by cuttings;

Reproduction by leaves;

By vaccination method.

Origin of dracaena

Dracaena belongs to the genus Rusaceae, which consists of 150 species of various trees and shrubs; representatives of this genus of plants are widespread in Africa and Asia. An adult dracaena plant, depending on the species, reaches sizes from 50 cm to 2.5 m in height and from 80 cm to 1.2 m in width. The lifespan of dracaena is from 5 to 1 5 years.

In China There are centuries-old traditions and customs associated with the “bamboo of happiness.”

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the “bamboo of happiness” brings health and happiness, financial well-being to the inhabitants of the house, promotes the flow of positive energy, maintains a good mood, strengthens friendships and love relationships and ensures longevity.

The Chinese place several shoots of the “bamboo of happiness” in a floor vase at the entrance to the house, thus showing respect to the guest and providing him with a charge of positive energy. Considering the “bamboo of happiness” to be an ideal gift, the Chinese give it for any occasion: housewarming, opening a new company, wedding. According to ancient custom, Chinese newlyweds present each wedding guest with 3 shoots of the plant - this should be the key to a long and happy marriage for the newlyweds. The number of “bamboo” shoots in the composition has a certain meaning:

Three stems - attract happiness.

Five stems predict wealth.

Seven stems - bestows good health.

Twenty-one stems - success in all endeavors.

The composition of 20 twisting stems is called the “Tower of Love.” Such a gift is regarded in China as a gesture of care, friendship and compassion. To achieve wealth and prosperity, the composition should be placed in the south, east or southeast of the house.

old Indian legend about dracaena interprets for us the etymology of the name of the plant. According to sources, the name comes from the Greek “drakaina”, which means “female dragon”.

In those days, the island of Socotra, located in the Arabian Sea, was known for the fact that a mighty bloodthirsty dragon lived on it. He was so powerful that he even attacked elephants and drank their blood. But one day, in a fight with a strong old elephant, the dragon, underestimating the strength of its victim, was simply crushed by it. The blood of the two giants mixed, moistening the ground around the massacre, and after some time trees appeared in that place, the same giants, which were nicknamed dragon trees, or dracaenas.

Dracaenas emit resinous juice, which appears on the trunks in the form of red spots. Local residents began to call the juice “the blood of two brothers,” i.e. brothers of equal strength, or “cinnabar.” One of the dracaenas is even called “cinnabar red”.

Types of dracaena

The following varieties and varieties are grown most often in indoor culture:

Dracaena marginata. The most common is Dracaena marginata or marginata. This is a tree-like dracaena, its strong trunk, capable of reaching a height of 3 m, is crowned with a bunch of leaves reminiscent of a disheveled hairstyle. The leaves are long and narrow. As the plant grows, the leaves fall off, forming a characteristic pattern of scars on the trunk. This species has a large number of forms, for example: Magenta, Bicolor, Tricolor. The forms differ from each other in the color of the leaves.

Dracaena reflexum or reflexa. The species is named for its downward sloping leaves. The stem of this dracaena is weak, branching almost from the root. The leaves are elongated, bright green with yellow longitudinal stripes. Such plants greatly enliven the room.

Dracaena Godsefa or its other name is Dracaena Surculosa, i.e. shoot-forming dracaena is a very interesting variety of dracaena, unlike the others. It has the shape of a bush with oval leaves pointed at the ends. The leaves are dark green in color and covered with golden or cream spots, which is why it is sometimes confused with aucuba. People call this dracaena spotted or golden. A room decorated with such a plant takes on a bright, elegant, “sunny” look.

Dracaena fragrant. This variegated species is perhaps the largest. It can grow up to 6 m in height, the leaves are up to 80 cm long and 3 cm wide. The leaves are curved, drooping, and in large specimens are often wavy. This species received the name “fragrant” for its white or yellow flowers, which have a strong scent. In indoor conditions, however, flowering can rarely be seen.

Dracaena deramensis. Another fairly large (height about 3 m) species of dracaenas. It has a thick tree-like trunk covered with leaves, which, when falling, leave scars on the trunk. The leaves are dark green, long (up to 50 cm) and wide (up to 5 cm). Various forms of this species may have longitudinal white and yellow stripes on the leaves. In nature it blooms with bright red flowers with an unpleasant odor. At home, fortunately, flowering rarely occurs.


Dracaena is a prominent representative of the Ruscus family; its genus includes about 150 specimens of perennial plants. Often, dracaena is considered a relative of the palm tree, since it has a woody trunk with oblong, pointed leaves growing at the top of the plant. Depending on the species, the needle-shaped leaves have different colors: matte green, red, sometimes yellowish, covered with snow-white stripes along the entire leaf. There are species in which the leaves have a variegated range of colors.

Use of dracaena

Did you know that...

... from the juice of dracaena, varnish is used to coat metals and paints for fabrics. A dye based on dracaena juice gives your hair a golden hue.
...residents of those places where dracaenas grow tint them with wine juice.
...dracaena juice mixed with grape alcohol is used in folk medicine to treat skin diseases and stomach ulcers. Presumably, the ancient inhabitants of Guanga and the Canary Islands used this juice to embalm the dead.
... from the leaves of some dracaenas, coarse fiber is obtained for making ropes.

Atmosphere in the house

Many people do not consciously harm others: somewhere in their soul there is an internal conflict that manifests itself as a destructive force. Others, deliberately causing harm, spoil the mood with bad words. Such people destroy the established structures of harmony in space, as a result, their friends and household members develop a feeling of internal discomfort, pain and diseases may arise that are difficult to identify and cure. Dracaena is an impressive looking plant. Saturn is bright in her, and she has a very calm character. The arrangement of the leaves - lush foliage on a bare stem - indicates organization and a desire for order. Dracaena is a creative plant; it does not tolerate destruction around itself, therefore it cleanses the atmosphere of the energy of thoughts, words and feelings of people for whom the desire to destroy has become part of their character. If those who live near you or often are those in whom objects break in their hands and plans seem to collapse on their own, for whom it is dangerous to talk about their desires, those who, having taken help, only spoil everything, dracaena will reduce their influence on you!

Emotional condition

The combination of the Sun and Mercury in the leaves of dracaena gave the plant the ability to awaken eloquence in a person. Dracaena is good for silent people, from whose silence everyone around them suffers, and first of all, they themselves. This plant awakens in a person the desire to speak, and to speak beautifully, to convince others of the correctness of his point of view, to win arguments.


Dracaena, which does not tolerate disorder, normalizes the musculoskeletal system and skin. You and your household will experience faster healing of wounds and faster healing of any skin diseases. Dracaena, unnoticed by you, will strengthen your musculoskeletal system: under its influence, the spine straightens, making it easier for a person to maintain a straight posture. Dracaena also has a beneficial effect on the condition of teeth.

And at the end of the day, this exotic tropical jungle plant is simply beautiful!


Most dracaenas reproduce very easily. Dracaena can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, as well as parts of a lignified trunk. Pieces cut from the lignified stem of dracaena, treated with paraffin at the cut points, can easily withstand transportation and can last for a long time until they become planting material.

Dracaena seeds are sown in March at a constant temperature of + 27 degrees. As soon as the young plants grow a little, they are transplanted into separate pots with a diameter of 7 cm and kept at a temperature not lower than +21-+24 degrees. After cutting cuttings from the top or side stems of the dracaena, the old leaves are torn off the trunk. The stem of the dracaena is divided into pieces 7 cm long, the lower cut of each cutting is treated with root and the resulting cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, kept at a temperature not lower than 24 degrees. When the rooted dracaena cuttings have leaves, they are transplanted into pots.

Features of care

Almost every type of dracaena requires a moderate temperature, not lower than 12 degrees; for better development, the plant must be darkened, this especially applies to species with variegated colors. Dracaena requires moderate watering and good drainage, otherwise the roots of the plant will either rot or dry out and the tree will die. Air humidity should also be moderate. Dracaena up to 2 years old requires annual replanting, then every two or three years; replanting is best done in the spring.


Dracaena needs to be fed during the growth period, from March to August. Feeding is done once every two weeks. Any complex fertilizers are suitable. For variegated forms - specialized fertilizers for variegated plants.

Diseases and pests

Improper watering of dracaenas causes the tops of the leaves to dry out. When the air is very dry, the edges of the leaves become brown, and the likelihood of damage to dracaena by pests increases. Among the pests, dracaena can be affected by scale insects and thrips. Spider mites can also appear. At the same time, the dracaena begins to shed its leaves.



I purchased the dracaena plant in July, but began caring for and monitoring it on October 13th. After reading a lot of literature, I learned that the best way to grow dracaena is by apical propagation. i.e. cuttings.

I used the vegetative propagation method using apical cuttings. This method is also called “crown propagation.” The length of the cutting was 12 cm. The cut was even, smooth, there were no burrs of the bark, and it was covered with a thin layer of paraffin. Started rooting in water. I poured some warm water into a small bowl, cleaned the bottom layer of the cutting from paraffin and placed it in 3 cm of water. I changed the water 2 times a week so that the water did not spoil, and added an activated carbon tablet. Rooting occurred at an air temperature of +18°C. The plant was placed on the west side of the window.

The first shoot appeared on November 28, the bark swelled, bulged and finally burst. A small sprout with a length of 1 cm was born. The next sprout appeared 5 days later. For a month, I monitored the plant, measured the length of the sprout, changed the water, and sprayed the tender leaves that appeared. The leaves were light green, twisted in the middle into a spiral, there was no smell, there were no roots yet.

The first true leaf appeared on December 10th. When planted in the ground, the length of the upper shoot was 7 cm, 6 leaflets; lower shoot 9 leaves, length 8 cm.

The soil was purchased at the store. This is a ready-made mixture for planting indoor and garden plants. The mixture included: peat, turf soil, sand. They also contained essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. The soil was neutral, or slightly-slightly acidic, pH 6 - 6.6.

When the plant was planted in the soil, the root system was small, the length of several roots was approximately 2 mm. The plant was planted in the soil on January 20, the bottom of the pots was lined with drainage from small stones, and small shells were also placed on the top layer of soil to prevent the soil from drying out. Watering was carried out moderately, as the earthen clod dried out. If the soil becomes dry for a long time, dracaena may shed its leaves. I have not applied any fertilizers yet. I monitored the air humidity, since Dracaena loves frequent spraying, low-maintenance Dracaena dragon and Dracaena Godsefa, which tolerate dry air.

Research results

The results of the study showed that growing dracaena at home is not difficult, it all depends on the species; for beginners, this is an ideal option Dracaena marginata(bordered), which I talked about in my work.

Almost every type of dracaena requires a moderate temperature, not lower than 12 degrees; for better development, the plant must be shaded, this especially applies to species with variegated colors. Dracaena requires moderate watering and good drainage, otherwise the roots of the plant will either rot or dry out and the tree will die. Air humidity should also be moderate. Dracaena up to 2 years old requires annual replanting, then every two or three years; replanting is best done in the spring. Dracaena can be propagated by rooting shoots; the survival rate of the latter is very high.

If your tree is not feeling well, this can be revealed by looking at the leaves; if their edges turn brown, it means you should humidify the air in the room, or move the plant to another place, as drafts may also be to blame.

If the leaves become soft and curled, it means that you cannot maintain the optimal temperature in the room; you should take care of it and move it to a warmer room. Brown spots on the leaves indicate insufficient watering.

Direct sunlight causes dry, light spots to appear on some plant species.

Dracaena fringe and Dracaena lucky bamboo are believed to bring good luck, wealth and love to the home. It is worth placing these types of plants on eastern windowsills or in the eastern parts of the garden, then, according to legend, the plant, having been saturated with the fresh power of the rising sun, will transfer it to its owner, with whom the plant contacts immediately after the first transplant.


  • As a result of propagating the dracaena plant vegetatively, I discovered that the most rational way to propagate dracaena is to propagate apical cuttings.
  • Soil, watering, and care allow the apical cuttings to take root faster and subsequently develop successfully.
  • Vegetative propagation of dracaenas can be carried out all year round.
  • With the vegetative propagation method, formed flowering plants are obtained much faster than when plants are propagated by seeds.

The popularity of dracaena, which is used as a single plant for a living room or hall, is constantly growing. Tall specimens are purchased for offices, and now they appear on sale much more often than before. These majestic trees, which have long been grown as indoor plants, fit perfectly into modern interiors.

With the arrival of spring, my plant will begin to grow rapidly; it will need to be watered abundantly and sprayed more often. During the spring-summer growing season, decorative deciduous plants need to be fertilized with liquid mineral fertilizers twice a month. It is necessary to protect the dracaena from direct sunlight and regularly wipe its leaves from dust. Or you can just take a warm shower once a week, which has a very beneficial effect on growth and development. I hope that my little dracaena will soon turn into a large beautiful palm tree.

Used Books:

  1. Blaze O. “Pharmacy on the windowsill” - Moscow. My world 2007 - 315 pages
  2. Ermolaeva E.V. “Green indoor plants” Arkaim 2007 - 32 pages
  3. Golovkin B.N., Kolobov E.S., Kostyuchenko L.P. “All about indoor plants” - Moscow Iris Press 2002 - 367 pp.
  4. Milevskaya R., Yu. Vies “Indoor floriculture” - Mn.: Book House, 2005. - 608 pages, ill.
  5. Romanina V.I. “Reproduction of indoor plants” - Moscow “Enlightenment” 1991
  6. Saakov S.G. “Greenhouse and indoor plants and their care” - L.: Nauka, 1985. - 621 pages.
  7. Encyclopedia of plants “House and garden plants. Flowers. Planting and care"
    1. Encyclopedia of the modern woman “Flowers in my house” Moscow. The world of the book. 2003, 350 pp.
    2. http: www. floralworld. ru

10. http:

11. " Library of floriculture"

Family Dracaenaceae
The homeland of dracaena is South America, East and Central Africa, India, and the Canary Islands.

Currently, dracaena (Dracaena) is one of the fashionable ornamental plants (see photo). They resemble palm trees in appearance, but their leaves are not as hard. In nature, this genus of dracaena grows in the form of trees or succulent shrubs, common in the tropical regions of Africa, Asia, Australia, and the Canary Islands.

  • Problems with dracaena leaves
  • How to care for dracaena
  • Mini tree of yucca and dracaena

The scientific name of the genus Dracaena means "female dragon". The Russian name is usually the word "dracaena", but Dahl's Dictionary gives another name - "dragon".

A lot of changes occurred with the determination of dracaena belonging to a certain family. Previously, in the botanical classification, Dracaena, as well as the genera Beaucarney, Cordilina and Yucca belonged to the Agave family (lat. Agavaceae), but later a separate family Dracaenaceae (lat. Dracaenaceae) was identified. The newest APG II classification includes these genera in the family Ruscaceae. According to some data, they belong to the Asparagaceae family, which is where the disputes and doubts about nepotism are settled...

Stylish and elegant tree-shaped dracaena not only decorates any interior, these decorative potted plants also serve as green orderlies, purifying the air from various harmful substances emitted by building materials, household chemicals, and office equipment. The varieties of fragrant dracaena showed especially high abilities. Its leaves are much wider and longer. Thanks to the large mass of leaves, the plant noticeably moisturizes the air and enriches it with oxygen.

Growing various forms is not very difficult, since pieces of stems tolerate transportation well and serve as excellent planting material. Cuttings left directly in a vessel with water for a long time produce good strong roots.

Botanical description of dracaena...

If you follow the botanical classification, Dracaena is a genus of plants in the Asparagus family - a class of monocots, included in the order Asparagusaceae. Among the variety of tree and shrub evergreen species, dracaenas are found as giant plants, also dwarf and ordinary in shape.

The tree-like form of dracaena is associated with a significant secondary thickening of the plant trunk due to the activity of the meristematic zone on the periphery of the stem. At the same time, the trunks of natural specimens can reach a diameter of about 2 m. In indoor conditions, these plants with straight, non-branching, very slender trunks are significantly inferior to their southern relatives and grow in height no more than 0.5 m.

Their leaves can be variegated or grayish-green with a slight bluish tint, leathery, hard, sword-shaped, reaching a length of 40-50 cm and a width of 2-4 cm. The combination of the rough texture of the bark and fresh shiny leaves is impressive and harmonious. It is natural for dracaenas to have a green mass of leaves only in the upper part of the stem. With age, the old leaves at the bottom of the stem droop and turn yellow, causing the trunk to become bare over time. Its roots are straight and smooth, dark yellow or orange. Inflorescences are panicles with white or creamy green star-shaped flowers.

Dracaena canarian "Dragon tree" (Dracaena draco)

The Canary Islands (open rocky areas) are home to the famous dragon trees. Its resin is blood-red in color, earning it the name “dragon’s blood.” The Latin name of this plant is Dracaena - a Latinized ancient Greek word meaning a feminine dragon, "dragoness".

In natural conditions, indoor Dracaena Canarian is a powerful giant up to 18 m tall with a huge thick trunk 4.5 m in diameter at the base of the trunk. Their thick trunks accumulate a lot of water, and narrow, hard leaves, collected in bunches at the ends of the branches, evaporate little moisture. The trunk of an adult dracaena branches, forming many side shoots. Huge hollows often form in old trunks.

Each branching branch ends in a dense bunch of densely arranged grayish-green, leathery, linear-xiphoid leaves 40-50 cm long and 2-4 cm wide in the middle of the blade, somewhat tapering towards the base and pointed towards the apex, with prominent veins. At home, just like other species, dracaena is easily propagated by apical cuttings and seeds.

Types and varieties of dracaenas

There are about 40 species in the genus Dracaenaceae, but about 10 are used for indoor landscaping. They differ from each other in appearance, size, shape and color of leaves. In appearance, they are often confused with species of a very close genus - Cordelina. They can be easily distinguished by their roots. In dracaenas they are yellowish-orange when cut, in cordelinas they are white. Otherwise they are very similar.

Dracaena marginata
It is bordered, justifying its name by the presence of a border along the edges of the leaves. The most common form of Dracaena marginata, and not only the varietal varieties “tricolor” (with narrow red and yellow stripes) or “colorama” (with a wide red border) look impressive, but also the natural form of Dracaena marginata - with green leaves and a reddish-purple stripe on the edge. The leaves are narrow, curved, reach a length of up to 70 cm, the predominant color is green with red edges. Dracaena bordered flowers practically do not form in apartment conditions.

This species becomes especially decorative in adulthood, when the lower leaves fall off, the remaining ones form a bunch of densely collected bright leaves at the top of a single or double trunk. Older specimens somewhat resemble a palm tree, as their leaves are collected at the top of a stem that reaches more than 2.5 meters in height. It is necessary to carefully select the location for it, since any, even minor, damage to the leaves leads to subsequent disruption of the plant’s growth regime.

Fragrant dracaena (Dracaena fragrans)
It is extremely diverse in leaf color, size and stripe color. Moreover, this can be a plant only about 20 cm high, for example (D. fragrans "Surprise") and a large tree up to 1.5 m (D. fragrans "Massangeana") with a yellowish-green stripe on the leaves, as well as victoriae - with longitudinal light yellow leaves. Compared to other species, it has wider, arched leaves, crowded at the top of the trunk, and white or yellowish-green flowers.

(Dracaena deremensis)
A tall (in indoor conditions up to 3 m and above) ornamental plant with a thick, woody, usually non-branching, densely leafy trunk. As they grow, older leaves die and fall off, leaving clear marks on the trunk. Leaves: up to 50 cm long, 5 cm wide, narrow-lanceolate, sessile, widened at the base, dark green, variegated; the veins are parallel and converge towards the tip. In young dracaena the leaves stick out upward, in adults they droop. Flowers: in axillary racemes, dark red outside, white inside, with an unpleasant odor. The fruit is berry-shaped, orange, three-lobed. In cultivation, this type of dracaena blooms extremely rarely. Homeland - the tropics of Africa.

The most common varieties are: "Warneckii" with thin, stiff leaves and gray, green stripes; "Lemon Lime" - a fairly common variety with leaves with longitudinal green and yellow stripes; "White Stripe" - leaves with very wide white stripes; "White Jewel" - with dark green leaves and longitudinal light green marginal stripes.

Dracaena Sanderiana
Shoots of this species are sold in flower shops under the brand name "Lucky Bamboo" ("lucky bamboo", "bamboo of happiness"), while having nothing to do with real bamboo. An elegant, low-growing plant with a thin, densely leafy stem. Size: 60-90 cm. Leaves are somewhat curved, oblong-lanceolate, green with white and silver-gray stripes, slightly twisted, 7.5-15 cm long, 2.5 cm wide. Rarely produces flowers. The "Boringuensis" form has leaves with a dark green border. This species is especially popular when creating small arrangements, group compositions, and is grown in terrariums. Can be grown when there is not enough space indoors.

Dracaena reflexum(Dracaena reflexa)
A rather decorative houseplant, but difficult to cultivate, with slow development, it is the most capricious and demanding of all species. The trunk is straight, reaches 3 m in height. Adult plants of this type of dracaena need support. Dracaena reflexa has small, variegated, curved, arrow-shaped leaves, green with a yellow stripe along the edge. Contained in rooms with high air humidity. The most popular variety is 'Song of India' with dark green leaves and lighter stripes.

Dracaena Godsefa(Dracaena godseffiana)
It is unique and unlike its previous counterparts and is quite rare in indoor culture. It is a low-growing, highly branched shrub with erect, thin, reed-like stems covered with triangular-lanceolate membranous scales. Oblong-eleptic, leathery, pointed at the apex, sometimes slightly wavy leaves along the edges, arranged in groups of 3-5. The upper side of the leaf is green with many white or cream spots. The flowers of Dracaena Godsefa are greenish-yellow, fragrant, in apical or axillary racemose inflorescences. In cultivation, this species blooms extremely rarely. Homeland - the tropics of West Africa.

Several varieties are known of this species: “Panctulata”, “Florida Beauty”, “Milky Way”, differing from each other in the size and number of yellow spots on the leaves, which turn white with age. The "Milky Way" variety has spots along the midrib.

Dracaena tree(Dracaena arborea)
Tree species, especially large-leaved ones, have exceptionally decorative qualities in interior design. Trunk up to 12 m tall. The leaves are belt-shaped, 45-100 cm long and 6-8 cm wide in the middle, sessile, strong, green with veins prominent below; the base of the plate is wavy. Homeland - tropical East Africa.

Dracaena Hooker(Dracaena hookeriana)
This species grows in South Africa. The trunk is 1-2 m tall, sometimes bifurcating. Garden varieties available. Cultivated in warm greenhouses. The leaves are leathery, sessile, lanceolate-xiphoid, 60-80 cm long and 4-5 cm wide, slightly tapering and wavy at the base, with whitish edges and a midrib slightly protruding on the underside of the blade.
